Grant Application Procedure

Application Procedure for Undergraduates

Starting in 2014, application procedures will differ for undergraduate and graduate students.  If you are a graduate student, please follow the graduate student procedures. 

  1. Full-time undergraduate students at an accredited institution of higher learning may apply for grants from the Billings Fund.  The institution need not be in the New England region, but the proposed field work should take place in New England or adjacent regions.
  2. A description of the proposed project should include the purpose and goals of the field work, and should describe deliverable items resulting from the field work, e.g. a geologic map and report.  If awarded a grant, the student must agree to provide to the Billings Fund Committee a copy of the project results, and the Billings Fund should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from the project.
  3. Proposals have no specific format or length, but 3-5 pages might be appropriate; the proposal should also include an abstract or concise summary. Proposals should describe how the project will contribute to our knowledge of New England geology, and indicate hypotheses to be tested.  A project time line and description of the previous experience of the student would be appropriate as well.  Include a location map and any other figures or illustrations that help support the proposal.  Each proposal must be accompanied by a letter of support from the applicant’s faculty advisor.
  4. Completed proposals may be submitted online by email to Mark Van Baalen, Harvard University,

The Billings Fund Trustees want to make sure that projects are scientifically worthwhile, do-able in a finite amount of time, and will produce a result. We look most favorably upon proposals that emphasize the role of geologic mapping.  These grants are limited to funding expenses related to field work (e.g. field equipment and supplies, transport, accommodations, and the preparation of maps) and would not fund a new hard disk for a computer or lab fees for sample analysis, etc.  While there is no fixed deadline for applications, proposals should be submitted at least two months prior to the intended fieldwork.  Since the Billings Fund can only disburse a limited amount of money each year, it is in the applicant’s interest to submit a proposal early in the year, so that an otherwise good proposal will not be declined due to lack of funds.

Grant Application Procedures for Graduate Students:

A separate application procedure is used for graduate students applying to the Billings Fund.  The web site of the GSA Foundation describes the procedure:

On this page there is a link to “specialized awards”, that describes the Billings Fund and certain other awards.  Be sure to read this section.  Once the GSA research committee reviews all grant applications, qualifying proposals are sent to the Billings Fund Trustees for consideration.  The Billings Fund may request supplementary information from applicants while making its funding decisions.

Note that applicants for graduate research awards must be GSA members.  GSA has a special discounted rate for students.

Questions about the Billings Fund should be directed to Mark Van Baalen, Harvard University,