Billings Fund

The Marland Pratt Billings and Katharine Fowler-Billings Fund for Research in New England Geology

Application Procedure / Grants Awarded

The Billings Fund was established in 1996, honoring the contributions of Marland and Kay Billings to the study of the geology of New England. the purpose of the Fund is to encourage geological fieldwork and related research in the New England region through a grant program. Typically grants are in the $1000 range. The Billings Fund also helps to sustain the financial viability of NEIGC.

In 2013 the Billings Fund principal was transferred to the Geological Society of America Foundation (GSAF), that will provide stewardship to the Fund in perpetuity.  GSAF will also administer grants to graduate students, while grants to undergraduates will continue to be administered locally.  This change results in new and important deadlines affecting graduate students.

Applications for student field work grants are solicited each year at the annual NElGC meeting in the fall, and on both the NEIGC web site and the GSAF web site.  One or more grants may be awarded in time for the upcoming field season.  Recent grant recipients are listed on the Grants Awarded page.  Starting in 2014, application procedures will differ for undergraduate and graduate students.

Contributions to the Billings Fund may be sent in care of the Geological Society of America Foundation, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, or online through the GSAF web site

The Fund is overseen by Trustees, who presently are; J. Dykstra Eusden, Bates College; Brian K. Fowler, Mt. Washington Observatory; Mark Van Baalen, Harvard University (chair). Questions about the Billings Fund should be directed to Mark Van Baalen,